Construction defects are relatively common, but in many situations, they can be mitigated, if found.
Why are inspections important?
Regardless of the type of loan, you should inspect the designs and materials, as well as the construction process throughout the build. Ideally, before any draw, an inspector should confirm that the work that has been with quality materials and up-to-code workmanship. If not, withholding these payments can be an effective way to mitigate these construction issues. If you do not have inspections done, you may find construction defects after you close. Unfortunately, these defects are not always detectable until years after the construction is completed.
Design deficiencies
The first type of deficiency or defect is in the design of the building itself or the systems contained therein. These designs are done by your architect and engineer, and they should be insured and inspected prior to beginning your build. Since they will be the basis of your construction quotes to find the right builder, if the designs are deficient, then no matter what your contractors do, the building will never be okay.
Material deficiencies
Make sure you speak with your general contractor to add the material requirements into your construction contract. Often, different opinions on the required materials can lead to exhaustive construction litigation. The cost of builder grade cabinets and countertops can be thousands of dollars less than custom built with quality natural stone. Even the fan selection in a warehouse can be vital. If the appropriate fans are not utilized, the warehouse may be too hot or cold to be used.
Workmanship deficiencies
The quality of the work your general contractor, and their contractors do can make an enormous difference. Even the most expensive materials will fail, if not installed correctly. And, especially for those items that are hidden, like wiring and plumbing, issues can be catastrophic, but only become visible years after construction.
Subsurface deficiencies
Soil preparation is key to ensure a solid foundation for the home and proper drainage. If the construction site is not appropriately prepped, the home could collapse.